Affirmations, page 1

Affirmations, page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Help thy brother's boat across and thy own has reached the shore. Hindu proverb If your dreams don't scare you a little they're not big enough
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent The best things in life are not things
There's no shortcut to anywhere worth going The quickest way to finish a task is to begin it
It's never too late to have a happy childhood If there is no wind, row
Not all who wander are lost You don't find happiness, you build it
Mainifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires. -Lao-Tsu Life is tough. So are you.
You can. You should. All you need is will Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out
The more you listen the more you know You must be the change you wish to see in the world -Gandhi
To admit you were wrong is to declare you are wiser now than before To be great is to be misunderstood. -Emerson
Be yourself. Imitation is suicide. Stay away from anyone who makes you feel you're hard to love
Everything you want is on the other side of fear Your dreams won't work unless you do
Only look back to see how far you've come Tough times don't last, tough people do.
The harder I work the luckier I get Integrity has no need for rules -Albert Camus
You are in the perfect place to get there from here The secret to having it all is deciding that you do
No one gets to choose their lot in life but we can all choose what we build on it Don't postpone joy
Failure is an opportunity to begin again more wisely Mistakes are proof that you're trying
The heaviest thing you can carry is regret Try it sober
Obstacles are what you see when you take your eye off your goal It's always too early to quit. -Norman Vincent Peale
Don't be too hard on yourself today Later is too easily misspelled NEVER
This too shall pass There is no chance unless you take one
Simplify A clear conscience is the softest pillow
You have not failed until you stop trying Get up show up never give up
No one can drive you crazy unless you hand them the keys A smooth sea never made a good sailor
Fear is a thief Don't dwell on "could have been" go and grab something better
Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. -Albert Einstein He who has begun, has the work half done. -Horace
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