Internet Bumper Stickers® Animalia, page 2

Animalia, page 1 | 2
You ran a 10k? Impressive. How heavy was the sled? It's a cat's world, we just open the cans
I love my shepherd My parrots just do not understand me
Yes, I probably do have some pet hair on me. You have a problem with that? If you don't talk to your cat about catnip someone else will
Pets are for life, not just for Christmas Nobody owns a cat
I Shih Tzu not! Beware of dog. Don't trust the cat either
In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats -English proverb Peeking kitten
You can't outstubborn a cat Never stand between the hydrant and the dog
I think my Golden Retriever is broken. So far he has retrieved ZERO gold I love my doxie
Do Shark Week fans know that shark-based stuff is available year-round? Don’t tell me what to do, you’re not my dog
(cat peeking) If cats could talk you know they would correct our grammar
I love you conditionally (cat) Pets would be less popular if they talked politics
Odd that chickens are the only animals with nuggets Dogs have owners Cats have staff
PASTE ALT HERE (Will work for food then eat maybe two bites and walk away (cat))
Dogs are the new kids My cat does yoga better than me
I put out for birds (bird feeder) I'm four cats past normal
Out of sight, out of mind doesn't apply to spiders To err is human, to forgive is canine (dog)
98% You (chimp) The earth can’t be flat. Cats would have pushed everything off by now
Proud Cat Mom I love my beagle
After all this time let’s please agree – don’t beat any horse Cats don't care if you're crazy
NO DOGS (dog) If my pet makes you uncomfortable, I’d be happy to shut you in the other room
40+ and single? There’s a cat for that There's no snooze button on a cat that wants breakfast
I love my chihuahua If dogs could talk they would be a far less popular pet
If you don’t like cats you just haven’t met the right one Lately, I’ve been so moody (cow)
What part of meow don’t you understand? Let dog out. Let dog in. Repeat.
What do all the other animals think about sharks getting their own week? Can’t have kids. My dog is allergic
The monkey tricked me I love my husky
Cats were once treated as gods. They have not forgotten this Lucky dogs, they get to be kids their whole lives
Cow tipping is wrong. Pay them a living wage My favorite people are dogs
We don’t deserve dogs Cats are capable of obeying 75 distinct commands and won’t
It's 2025, why haven't they invented color yet?
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