Miscellanea, page 1

Miscellanea, page 1 | 2 | 3
Magic has to be believed to be seen (eyes peeking)
There's an old proverb that says pretty much whatever you want it to I saw that -Karma
Reality is not on TV Grammar Cop says: Your does not equal Yours
I think it's time to consult the oracle You don't scare me, I have teenagers
Grammar Cop says: Who's does not equal Whose May the odds be ever in your favor
To relieve stress, take a deep breath and hold it for 30 minutes The future has been postponed
Chocolate understands Money saving tip: Don't buy it!
Grammar Cop says: Irregardless is not a word Tea is liquid contentment
When I suggested we become friends with benefits, I meant health insurance Mental not to self: Real notes work better
If I'm ever on life support, unplug me. Then plug me back in. See if that works My other car is a Tardis
(eyes peering) Grammar Cop says: Less does not equal fewer
Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear What happens at grandma's house stays at grandma's house
If 5-day weather forecasts were any good, they'd only give the weather every 5 days When I was a kid we had nine planets
I'm better than the movie! Teachers do it for the outcome not the income
In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted and used against you
Grammar Cop says: Their≠There≠They're The first draft of anything is shit  -Ernest Hemingway
What happens in the garage stays in the garage With great power comes great responsibility (Spiderman)
There is no spoon We are all made of stars
I hear they're finally calling off the search for Waldo Grammar Cop says: everyday ≠ every day
the Dude abibes (eyes peeking)
Bueller? Mistakes were made
Grammar Cop says: Than does not equal Then Naysayers gonna say nay
We're all here because we aren’t all there Science. It’s like magic, but real
Math: The only place you can have 100 pizzas and no one even blinks Everything takes longer than you think
The aroma of trouble has entered the vicinity The Great Words series: Cattywampus
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