Stoopid, page 1

Stoopid, page 1 | 2
I am a people person just not a stupid-people person Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups
I used to be immune to idiots but there seems to be a new strain out there The world is mostly idiots
When it comes to thought, some people will stop at nothing Don't worry what other people think they don't, usually
Maybe I wanted to sound stupid Stupid should hurt
they have an opening for you in the Witless Protection Program You have the right to remain stupid. Anything you say can and will be ignored
Don't let the idiots ruin your day The big problem with stupidity is it can't be seen in a mirror
Think of how dumb the average person is, then realize that half the people are even dumber Smart is not a flower that grows in everyone's garden
Partnership for an Idiot Free America It's so easy to be wise. Just think of something stupid and don't say it
If you're willing to do something stupid, I'm willing to watch A little bit of rich can cover up a whole lot of stupid
A day without stupid people is like... well, nobody knows Life is painless for the brainless
He who thinks by the inch and talks by the yard should be kicked by the foot Everything happens for a reason.  Sometimes the reason is your stupid decisions
Does not play well with stupid people When you're in a coma you don't know it, but those around you do. Same when you're stupid
Why search for extra terrestrial intelligence when we can't even find any down here? None of us alone is as dumb as all of us together
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are so confident while the intelligent are full of doubt -Bertrand Russell Dictionaries are literally changing the definition of literally because people are literally too dumb to stop misusing literally
If stupidity got us into this mess, why can't it get us out? I'm one idiot away from a nervous breakdown
If you treat stupid people like they're stupid is it still patronizing? My transition from stupidity to wisdom is taking longer than anticipated
If we had a pill to cure stupid I bet we'd never get anybody to take it Please be stupid somewhere else
Life is hard. Harder if you're stupid Stupidity has a knack of getting its way -Albert Camus
Sweet irony is when you see someone write "your an idiot" I'm allergic to idiots, I break out in sarcasm
I'm surrounded by idiots Ignorance comes naturally stupidity takes real work
I'm not with stupid anymore Never was with stupid
I see stupid people The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits
Four out of five people agree that one out of five people is an idiot Stupidity: more dangerous than crocodiles
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former -Albert Einstein Actually, there are stupid questions
Please tell the stupid people to stop it! So many stupid people so few giant meteors
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