The Big Question page 2

The Big Question, page 1 | 2 | 3
Why do bad decisions become such good stories? If matter is mostly composed of empty space, what explains heavy things?
What would Scooby Doo? Would your inner child like to come out and play with my inner child?
Has anyone seen Waldo? I'm starting to get worried Really, what's the worst that could happen?
Am I self centered or is it just me? Since when do I need a reason?
How am I supposed to love my enemies when I can barely stand my friends? How many hipsters does it take to change a lightbulb? Oh, it's an obscure number you've probably never heard of
Why is there never time to do it right but always time to do it over? What would Ripley do?
Why do you think they call it programming? Who started this never-ending war between rock, paper and scissors?
Why does a phone ring so short when you run to answer it and so long when you ignore it? If we are only supposed to behave why are there so many other options?
And how does that make you feel? Do you know what would make me happy? Seriously, I'm trying to find out
Welcome to the Dark Side. Are you here for the cookies? Why do I have to take English class? I'm never going to England.
How long is all this supposed to last? If someone steals my identity they have to pay off my college loans, right?
Is this real life? I paused my game for this?
How did bat excrement become the measure for how crazy someone is? How many words a picture is worth in today's words?
Synonym is an antonym for antonym, so why isn’t antonym a synonym for synonym? Is this what free time feels like or am I forgetting to do something?
Why do they call it a Swiss Army Knife? It’s only about 9% knife Running late counts as exercise, right?
Is the S or the C silent in SCENT? If you won't listen to reason how about a lame excuse?
If less is more is nothing everything? Why can't cameras and mirrors just agree on what I look like?
We decided to not have children Anybody know where we return these? Why do psychics have to ask your name?
Why do I only have suicidal houseplants? What if I don't want to get a life?
If money can’t buy happiness what am I supposed to buy it with?! How do they get chicken to taste like so many other things?
Shouldn’t employers have to wash hands, too? Seem to anyone else that we’re way behind on rickrolling people?
If quitters never win why are we told to quit while we’re ahead? If it’s mo money, mo problems why isn’t it no money, no problems?
Lab safety? …or super powers? Why can’t my bed be as comfortable when I try to sleep as it is when I need to wake up
Shouldn’t carotene be out of beta by now? By offensive, you mean funny, right?
Do shepherds fall asleep when they count their flock? Who are these kids? And why are they calling me mom?
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