The Big Question page 3

The Big Question, page 1 | 2 | 3
Tell me, where is this bright side you speak of? Sure, abs are great but have you tried donuts?
Who is Pete? And why do we do so much for his sake? Running away from problems burns calories, right?
Anybody have directions to that village that’s gonna help raise my children? Why does the word queue need those last 4 letters?
What’s that noise? Does dark have a speed, too?
Why am I always the one people turn to for money I owe them? Where my knittas at? (yarn and knitting needles)
When you take a photo of another person why isn’t it called an Otherie? How much longer are all the other planets going to boycott the Miss Universe pageant?
Can I go now? But why?
Are they bad habits if I like them? Why does my brain play so many songs I don’t care for?
Wait, what am I supposed to be doing? I drank what? -Socrates
got angst? Why is it easiest to fall asleep when you want to stay awake?
If you'd read this Sticker 100 years ago
where did you get the technology? Why do people turn to crime when there are so many legal ways to be dishonest?
Have you accepted cheeses into your life? This was free so why not?
Why does the one who snores always fall asleep first? If I don’t overthink this who will?!
Is this really happening? Is it ironic to misuse the word ironic?
Why can’t everything be as easy as getting fat?
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