Mother Earth

Mother Nature always bats last Love it or leave it.
We all live downstream Reunite Gondwanaland
Don't frack with out water! defend the earth
Insatiable is not sustainable Boycott corn-based ethanol fuel. An agribusiness scam we can't afford
Reduce greenhouse gases: don't exhale No ANWR drilling
I love my carbon footprint Buy fresh, buy local
Biodiesel now Strip mining prevents forest fires
Global warming is so not cool End dependence on Mideast oil. Alternative fuels now!
You are but a leaf on the tree of earth Don't blow up the earth, it's where I keep all my stuff
Demand better food labeling: If it's GMO we want to know Defend the wilderness
Nature is a mother I'm with her (earth)
If terrorists poisoned as much water as fracking does maybe then you'd care It's not the heat it's the stupidity
Relax, global warming will reverse once humans are gone Give Bees a Chance
Not machine washable If trees could scream would we still cut them down? Probably, if they screamed all the time
If the environment was a bank we would've already saved it Save the Earth. It's the only planet with chocolate
If you think the fight over oil is bad, wait till we have to fight over water SOS (earth)
Too many humans Why does the Earth only get a day but sharks get a whole week?
Biodiesel: Praise the Lard Theere is no Plan B
Our future Localvore
Getting hot, hot, hot! (earth) Corn is food not fuel
Stop throwing stuff away. There is no away Send fossil fuels the way of the dinosaur
Respect your mother (earth) Go solar
Earth First. We can befouo the other planets after Not flat. We checked. NASA (earth)
If climate change is a hoax we could be tricked into making a better world the earth is not ours, we are the earth's
Water is the next oil If you lived here you’d be home now (Earth)
clean the seas save the bees plant the trees (earth) We don't inherit the world from our parents, we borrow it from our children
We're all in this thing together (earth)
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