for emessages and websites! Work, page 2

Work, page 1 | 2
Actually, you do have to be crazy to work here but, no, it doesn't help No one ever listened themself out of a job
I think, therefore I'm overqualified Meetings: Where minutes are kept and hours are lost
My commute wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take me to work Work is the new retirement
I took my job to pursue my lifelong ambition of not starving to death The only thing worse than being laid off from my job would be not being laid off
My company's going to start giving us random drug tests. I wonder which drugs we'll get? My boss told me to have a good day so I went home
I can't even afford to take a staycation If they hang motivational posters where you work, you probably have a job a robot will be doing soon
I work best with others when they leave me the hell alone Maybe it's not Mondays, maybe it's your job that sucks
I love my &%$#ing job and my job loves  &%$#ing me The beatings will continue until morale improves
Working here is like family - none of us get along Finally, the weekend! Now I can work on dreading Monday
I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of not working there Don’t complain your boss is stupid. It’s probably the reason you haven’t been fired
Hire slow, Fire fast My coworkers are like Christmas lights, none are too bright and some don’t even work
Think I’ll reduce my effort at work to align with my pay Give a man food, he can eat for a day.  But give him a job and he can only eat for 30 minutes
I haven’t been able to sleep. The boss has been around People paid only enough to not quit will work only enough to not be fired
Committee: a group which keeps minutes and waste hours I never get involved in office drama. Once I start it, I walk away
There are worse things than working from home: 1.No job 2.No home To err is human. To forgive, is not company policy
Today is the first day of the rest of your workweek My commute is getting so bad I’m almost glad to arrive at my job
All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done One who knows HOW will always have a job ...working for the one who knows WHY
You don’t have to be crazy to work here. We train. At work they asked if I wanted to sign up for a 401k. I said no. I can't run that far
My job is mostly trying to figure out what my job is I think I’m allergic to my job
Don’t work really hard when your boss is nearby so you don’t set the bar too high My office crush is the vending machine
I don't know, and I don't care. That's why they put me in charge I had to leave my job for health reasons. I was sick of it
Why am I the only one impressed by the fact that I show up for work? Work is a necessary evil to be avoided -Mark Twain
Try to start a conversation with me on a Monday and I’ll report you to HR My company's fringe benefits include poor training, conflict, and burnout
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