Admontions, page 3

Admonitions, page 1 | 2 | 3
Never insult the alligator until after you've crossed the river Don't say ironic when you mean coincidental
Drinking and Pinterest projects do not mix If you want someone in your life don't make them fight for a spot
Never do anything you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics Don’t eat the rich they’re high in cholesterol
Stay humble or be humbled Your comfort zone could suffocate you
Thou shalt not. -Mom 24:7 Think before you speak. Read before you think
Don’t wear Nikes to a Reebok job interview Beware advice which profits the advisor
Don't eat like you hate yourself Do not judge a person by what they have reaped, but by what they have sown
Violence invalidates your argument Don't let success go to your head or failure go to your heart
Lead me not into temptation, I know my way Don’t follow the masses (asses)
When in doubt, shut up PASTE ALT HERE
Don’t let them use your fear to control you Never underestimate the power of keeping your mouth shut
What you put up with you could end up with Don’t take candy from a baby And above all don’t get into that baby’s van
Careful, everyone’s got a snapping point (pencil) Don’t dance like no one is watching when someone is watching
Not everything requires your comment Be open minded but not so much your brains fall out
The best advice I can give you is don’t listen to mine Don’t blame others for the road you’re on. That’s your own asphalt
If a pig flies don’t complain if the flight is brief Don't judge me by my past, I don't live there anymore
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