Exhortations, page 3

Exhortations, page 1 | 2 | 3
Dress for the job you want (crown) Get lost (cabin, trees)
Make good choices today for they will be your regrets of tomorrow Make someone happy, mind your own darn business
Try civility Be kind, it confuses people
Dare to be naive -R. Buckminster Fuller Edit ruthlessly
Stop listening to people who tell you to hate If you're happy and you know it, clank your chains!
Love many. Trust few. Bring back the hippies
Time to rethink everything Stop assuming you’re right
Deal with the faults of others as gently as your own -Chinese Proverb Turn that frown upside down. I know a good plastic surgeon
Question authority Ask your dad, he’ll know
Be happy or else Change the channel
Take my advice! I'm not using it Conquer your demons or they will conquer you
Teach children how to think not what to think Obey the machine
Realize real lies Be kind, especially when you least feel like it
Listen more, talk less. No one’s ears ever got them in trouble Live every day like it’s Wednesday
If you want a queen, earn her (Cersei) Support local music
Let's get crazy!! And by crazy I mean lunch Just be nice
Have fun with AI. It will soon be having fun with you Think globally. Act locally.
Live each day as if it were your last (but pay bills and stuff just in case) Fake it until you bake it
(bee) Happy Come to the Math side, we have pi
Kindness is free so use it with everything Just scratch some dirt over it and move on
Now would be a good time lower your expectations If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours
Introverts unite, separately, at home Don’t be part of the problem, be the entire problem
Make someone’s day a little better Get it done
When all else fails, try denial Do more things that make you forget to check your phone
If it ain't broke, take it apart and see why not Relax, we have enough deck chairs for everyone
Tell the truth but be nimble after -Greek proverb Stressed? Try yelling at people
If you want a puppy start by asking for a pony Ask your doctor if medical advice from a TV ad is right for you
More sci less fi If you can't say something nice at least be vague
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