Gimme a Sign, page 3

Gimme a Sign, page 1 | 2 | 3
Notice: Thank you for noticing On advice of legal counsel, this sticker contains no message
Next window please Clowns to the left, Jokers to the right
Coming here soon:  Thought-provoking Insight Karma Cafe: No menus, you'll get what you deserve
One moment please, I'm preparing a brilliant retort Camp Crystal Lake
Motivational quote Closers only
Only YOU can prevent narcissism Important reminder: Microwaves vary
watch your step Zombie crossing
0 days without being sarcastic In case of emergency, good luck
Warning: Karma is watching Temporary text
Keep Out Please do not pet the peeves
Back in 10 minutes. If not, please read this again Work in progress
Authorized by God No exit
Warning: Consider yourself warned Reality ends Saturday, sorry for any inconvenience
404 - Sticker not found Fake News
Welcome to Reality, enjoy your visit Please use both hands
Please do not feed the ego Lost childhood
If you can read this, thank a teacher Warning: This sticker contains peanuts
Under Construction Electrolytes: It's what plants crave
Private sticker do not read
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