Living & Dead, page 4

Living & Dead, page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Life is too short to live someone else's dreams If you think pushing 40 is hard, wait till you start dragging it
Aged to perfection My favorite childhood memory is my back not hurting
The best thing about the good old days I wasn't old and I didn't try to be good You’re older than the Internet? Big deal. I’m older than area codes
I can't have a Midlife Crisis I'm too busy with my Wholelife Crisis Death is nature's way of telling you to slow down
I’m at the age when getting lucky means remembering why I walked into the room You’re officially old if your doctor is younger than you
Becoming an adult is like getting a job promotion with too  much responsibility and too little pay Adulthood: Where you’re always tired except at bedtime
Don’t let being old get you down. It’s too hard to get back up Old enough to know better, too young to care
Youth is fleeting but immaturity can last a lifetime The rate you stop making fun of old-people traits follows the rate you acquire them
A lifetime isn’t as long as you think it is Does your whole body hurt and you’re not dying? Congratulations, you’re an adult
Old too soon, wise too late Once you finally you have the money & time to do what you want you don’t have the energy
What doesn’t kill you will let something else do it Live forever? No thanks, I don’t even like to stay late at parties
The number one rule to live by is: Don’t Die I have Restless Life Syndrome
Being an adult is mostly feeling tired all the time and telling people how tired you are and listening to them tell you how tired they are You know you’re old when you get aches from sitting still
We are all just walking each other home -Ram Dass The older I get the more I understand why rooster’s scream in the morning
Life is a test you couldn’t study for If I'd known we stop getting recess I would have refused to grow up
It’s amazing how people my age are so much older than me Getting older reminds me of that movie, you know, with that guy, and the woman-with-the-hair, where he finds that thing, and it all starts out kind of funny but then you’re like, “Oh.”
I was glad stores finally started playing. Better music, then I realized it was just me getting old We die only once, and for such a long time -Molière
The best cure for almost anything is to be under 21 Seriously, Life, if you would like to give me lemons I would prefer that instead of all this other crap
Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats -Voltaire The older I get the better I was
I thought I’d be young longer Life is short and lasts forever
Age has slowed me down but hasn’t shut me up Welcome to adulthood, Ibuprofen is on aisle 4
Grey hair is just your body running low on toner Everyone gets to be young once. Your turn is now over
When I was young I was poor. Now after years of hard work I’m no longer young I’m too old for this crap
Life is what happens while you’re busy reading inspirational quotes
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