Cyberia, page 2

Cyberia, page 1 | 2 | 3
Tonight lets close the Internet early and go out for pie Many quotes on the Internet are misattributed -Mark Twain
Why is my Internet connection only fast when I click the wrong link? Offended? Just scroll on
I need an emoticon for Resting Bitch Face They say enough monkeys at keyboards will eventually produce a literary work. The Internet has proven this false
Simple cures for most tech problems: 1.Restart device 2.Don't be an idiot Here's hoping your Google results are someday worth reading
and/or exist
We could take care of climate change and our energy needs if we could just turn Internet comments into electricity Your inspirational quotes have inspired me to block you
Wikipedia is my wing man The first rule of commenting on Internet posts: Don't
So you want to argue? Fine. My caps lock is READY Old school
Girl geeks rule! You're not deep, astute, clever or wise. You just have Internet access
Love means never having to clear your browser history $500 fine for posting while stupid
A watched stream never buffers Click like if you hate when posts ask for likes
Stop inviting me to events! A programmer is a machine that turns coffee into code
Just because I'm not posting doesn't mean I'm not watching This place is like family, in that we argue a lot and don't like being around each other
Who are you people and how did you get on my internet? (Citation needed)
Friends don't let friends text drunk Do or do not. There is no try. -Yoda
20 tips on how to stop texting when driving: 1. Don't text when driving Because I'm the moderator, that's why!
I'm sniffing your wireless You problem is you don't spend enough time alone on the Internet
How to avoid e-mail scams: Don't be stupid On the Internet no one stares at my boobs while I talk!
Who broke your capslock key? The geek shall inherit the earth
Share this with 5 people. Absolutely nothing at all will happen. Try it, it works! Here's a rumor that probably isn't true, pass it on! _The Internet
Gee, even in all caps your point is stupid Gone viral, back in 15 minutes
I see dead pixels Internet, why so many cat videos?
If you don’t have anything nice to say I bet you’re on social media a lot Sure, ask the Internet for advice. What could go wrong?
There is no adequate emoji for this particular moment Trolls: 10  Admin: 5
It’s not really a cloud, just a bunch of computers There are monkey fights at the zoo more civil than some threads here
Threads like this are why they invented the Internet! Let the thoughtful discussion begin!! (caps lock key)
Internet Bumper Stickers® Give your online world a little piece of your mind!
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