Oh Those Humans, page 4

Oh Those Humans, page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Never be ashamed of who you are. That's your parent's job Sorry we ruined everything -Boomers
Eh, good enough. -Mediocretes Just because you want to believe it doesn’t make it true
The most common way people give up their power is thinking they don't have any -Alice Walker You’ll never look good trying to make someone else look bad
Make them nameless not famous Where do I go for a restraining order against “everybody”?
If we ever get invaded by space aliens I’m defecting All men are born equal but do not stay that way
Some people have a problem for every solution Take my advice now, while I'm still young enough to know everything
Nothing's working, not even our total refusal to face facts Truth is precious. Is that why people rarely use it
I don’t believe what you say because I see what you do Losing faith in humanity one person at a time
My species disappoints me Let free dumb ring
The only thing we have to fear are those who tell us to be afraid Should I call you or can we handle it with a quick 74 texts?
America is in urgent need of an antidope All that some people know about history they learned from We Didn’t Start The Fire
People would rather be wrong than be different An average 18-year-old can survive 24 days without food, and 3 days without Internet
Actions speak louder than words but not nearly as often –Mark Twain The first rule of Passive-Aggressive Club Actually, know what, it’s not important, never mind
Everything would be OK if we worshiped celebrities harder I try to see the best in people but some of you hide it really well
My great grandfather didn't cross an ocean to come here just to see his country overrun by immigrants What I like about people is their dogs
That’s some concrete thinking: mixed up and set really hard Let us be glad that ceiling fans cannot hold the weight of a human
God heals, and the physician takes the fee. -French proverb People are to be taken in very small doses -Ralph Waldo Emerson
When we were young we set out to change the world and I think we did it wrong They want you to be afraid
When everyone thinks alike that’s not called thinking You’re doing this again? -History
Maybe you’re not depressed. Maybe you’re just surrounded by jerks Your inability to comprehend science is not an argument against it
Not everyone who smiles at you means it Wealth doesn't change people, it reveals them
Invite a clown, expect a circus When you disagree with someone yell and use insults. It helps them hear you with an open mind
Spelling is ded Do not expect evidence to persuade a fool
People would rather be wrong than be different I want to believe it so it must be true
The supply of truth has always exceeded the demand In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends -Martin Luther King
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