Personal Issues, page 4

Personal Issues, page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Napping to the beat of a different drummer Even if the voices aren't real they have some good ideas
Inside me, a thin woman struggles to get out, but chocolate usually shuts her up Accidental screenshot champion
I just asked myself if I’m crazy and they all said no I’m not procrastinating I’m buffering
I used to crastinate then I got so good I went pro Social-Distancing Champion 8th consecutive year
PASTE ALT HERE Just sitting here overthinking the joy out of everything
I owe my grocery bagging skills to Tetris Involuntary participant
I’ve got it all together I just can’t remember where Pretending to be an imposter
Caffiend I’m staying in. It’s too peopley out there
The one thing I never seem to put off is procrastination I have OCD & ADD. I need everything to be perfect but just for a minute
I’m not cynical. Actually, yes, that’s the word Classy, sassy, and a little smart assy
Think of me as a challenge I’m a self-starter when it comes to gossip
My only fear about becoming a zombie is all the walking Any room can be a panic room if I’m in it
Mom’s Favorite - Most Consecutive Years Solvem probler
I used to be angry and miserable. Then I turned my life around. Now I'm miserable and angry Permanently assigned to the kids' table
My sunscreen is me not outside I’m like fine chocolate: dark and bitter
Doomer I only stress-eat after weighing myself
My superpower — focus on one little thing that annoys me until it ruins my whole day Meal Enjoyer
If I got a dollar every time I didn't know what was going on, I'd wonder why I was getting so many dollars My friends say I’m closed off but they don’t really know me
I was raised on common sense and sarcasm Pretty sure my last words will be what’s this do?
I'm physically phfffft Sorry. I’m awkward. Sorry…
25% Stud 75% Muffin After much reflection, I don’t think being an adult is gonna work for me
I'm a PBS mind in a TicTok world Internet Celebrity in training
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