Men & Women, page 4

Men & Women, page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Let me explain to you why “mansplaining” isn’t really a thing A good marriage is a contest of generosity -Diane Sawyer
Love is friendship set on fire. -French Proverb Got my husband a get better soon card. He’s not sick, I just think he could be better
When your wife is upset do not make either of these mistakes: 1. Ask what’s wrong 2. Don’t ask what’s wrong A woman’s place is in the resistance (Princess Leia)
My spouse is a rescue from a previous marriage Sometimes it's best to just let the dumbass walk away
Life is one fool thing after another. Love is two fool things after each other -Oscar Wilde Love must be blind because look at you people
I do what the voices in my wife’s head tell me to Marriage teaches you how many wrong ways there are to do things
In regard to women, a very wise man once said… nothing Men should be glad women only want equality and not revenge
In my marriage, I wear the pants... that my wife selects and buys for me Don’t tell her to calm down
My husband said he was going out for milk but never came back and I'm devastated. I had to resort to that powdered stuff Behind every successful man is a woman ...rolling her eyes
Love never dies a natural death -Anais Nin I should stop acting so bitchy. I’ll be more covert
60% of marriage is shouting what? from another room If he's stupid enough to walk away, be smart enough to let him
The most difficult decision a woman can make isn’t yours You can suffer without love, but you cannot love without suffering -German proverb
I’m looking for just the right person to settle for I wish my computer had as much memory as my wife
Dating isn’t so bad when you don’t do it The term Working Mother is redundant
The best men are imaginary I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes, so she hugged me
Women are born not made I like my women how I like my coffee – strong, and valued in the workplace
When you’re shopping for a husband, remember, the ears are sold separately
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