Modern Thought, page 5

Modern Thought, page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
If you don't have a Plan B, you don't have a plan For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism
Opportunity always looks bigger behind you than ahead of you Success requires hard work so, there goes that idea
There is no excuse for the pronunciation of colonel There is no such thing as too many tools
What doesn’t kill you sometimes makes you wish it had PASTE ALT HERE
Any restaurant is a drive thru if you’re determined enough Anything can be funny if it happens to someone else
Better Late than having to be there the whole time Common sense, like deodorant, is noticed most when it isn't used
It’s best to confront your fears (unless you fear bears) An exclamation point is like laughing at your own joke -F. Scott Fitzgerald
Life comes without instructions, that's why we have fathers Packages of batteries should be labeled “Gift not included”
It’s not hoarding if it’s books If life were fair, sarcasm would burn calories
Laughter is not the best medicine for incontinence If at first you don't succeed, redefine success
The future doesn't need us No good deed goes unpunished
Expensive paintings are just trading cards for the rich The worst vice is advice
Parties: For when you want to clean up twice in 12 hours Sometimes a road is less traveled for a good reason
If you ain't different, you ain't normal You don’t wash your hands, they wash each other
Procrastination is a dish best served tomorrow Art is anything you can get away with. -Andy Warhol
Sooner or later we all quote our mothers Everything in moderation unless no one is looking
An acquaintance is just a friend you haven't scared away yet Any pizza is a personal pizza if you believe in yourself
Sleep is a poor substitute for coffee Now is the new later
Compromise is the satisfactory distribution of dissatisfaction Having weird parents builds character
The first thing to have instant replay was books College memories last forever I mean student loan payments
The biggest corporate lies are the serving size on food packages Junk is the unused stuff you've had for years and won't need until you throw it out
Only a proton can stay positive all the time The obscure, we see eventually. The completely
obvious, it seems, takes longer -Edward R. Murrow
The difference between in-laws and outlaws: outlaws are wanted
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