Bumper Scrapings, page 9

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With all these websites blacked out, I think the government's plan is working You don't get to destroy the Internet just because it doesn't fit your business model
Davy Jones 1945-2012 I'm back -Vladimir Putin
Mike Wallace 1918-2012 Dick Clark  1929-2012
Maurice Sendak 1928-2012 Facebook IPO
Venus Transit: There, now you don't have to watch Ray Bradbury 1920-2012
New York shouldn't ban huge sodas, just huge cups Lonesome George
To escape this Obamacare ruling I'm going to move to Canada Sorry, apocalypse, by the Mayan calendar (with no leap years) 2012 was last year
I thought the Olymics are a break Americans take from hating each other but, no NBC's delay in showing the Olympics isn't as long as my infinite delay in watching them
Sally Ride 1951-2012 Instead of taking down the Joe Paterno statue they should have turned it to look the other way
Even the Zombie Apocalypse is doing better than the economy Gore Vidal 1925-2012
Neil Armstrong 1930-2012 Bob Denver 1935-2005 & 2012
George McGovern 1922-2012 For Halloween Lance Armstrong should go as a 7-time Tour de France winner
Twinkies 1930-2012 Sorry about the failure of the one financial plan you ever made for your future
I'm thankful that I can finally stop hearing about how thankful everyone is Ravi Shankar 1920-2012
Sandy Hook 12/14/12 I'd close my Instagram account in protest if I knew what Instagram was
Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf 1934-2012 We will negotiate the cliff after you meet all our demands -Republicans
The Fiscal Cliff: Best made-up crisis of the year! Congress acts like the Mayan calendar will take care of the fiscal cliff
If you can read this, the Mayans were wrong Remember to write 2013 on your... wait, do people still write checks?
Can the flu vaccine keep me from hearing more about Lance Armstong? Manti Te'o's girlfriend would still be alive if she'd had a gun -NRA
Too pooped to Pope Oh really? To you it's work? -Jennifer Garner
vfx protest Hugo Chavez 1954-2013
Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013 Annette Funicello 4/8/13
Jonathan Winters 1925–2013 Boston Marathon 4/15/13
Uncle Ruslan, next Fox News host Looks now like 2013 will be the year of calm, rational discussion of gun control
Richie Havens 1941-2013 World Wide Web 20 years old, April 30, 2013
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